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We offer our products at a contractually discounted fixed price. Protecting our customers from volatile, geopolitical and market risk.



The predetermined price our customers pay and guaranteed physical delivery of the commodity gives them the flexibility and freedom to choose the right time to either



All our activities are Carbon Neutral. The Carbon footprint of each product bought through us will be offset through the purchase of Verified Carbon Units.

The Royalty and
Streaming programs

The Royalty and Streaming programs designed by MetStream International Ltd. provides buyers with price security, leverage to increasing precious metal prices and exposure to a high quality asset.



MetStream International Ltd.  Royalty and Streaming programs enables its customers to purchase precious metals, Copper and Cobalt as well as Carbon Credits from producers that it neither owns nor operates in exchange for an upfront payment. Royalty and Streaming programs are offered at discounted and pre-determined prices against future delivery of the physical products.

Transparent and fixed costs reduce our customers downside risk factors, maximizing the upside potential value increase of the products. Other than the initial upfront cash payment, MetStream International Ltd.  does not contribute or commit to future capital expenditures or exploration costs invested by the producers. However, it benefits from the production and in some cases exploration growth that results from these expenditures. This proven business model often translates into significant value creation, which is being passed on to MetStream International Ltd. customers.

Buy Gold,

Build Your Future

We Are a London based company offering Streaming and Royalty programs in Gold, Copper, Cobalt as well as Verified Carbon Units.

Committed to a Responsible Financial Future

Through our established supply channels, we procure proprietary Gold, Copper and Cobalt. Our tailored Streaming and Royalty programs give our customers the opportunity to buy these as physical assets at reduced cost.


Jakob Kinde


Swedish national with some 39 years of investment banking experience who is currently a chairman of Boustead Renewables Limited a business focused on consultancy and investing in renewable energy.

More About Jacob

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